Every Body is verschillend

Voor blessure-vrije en happy yoga We kennen allemaal de prachtige yoga asana fotos van Instagram

Stop doing, Start Being by Irina Verwer

I find it super easy to do too much. There are a lot of things

Yoga For Beauty

Yoga For Beauty: Stresshormonen en hormoonhuishouding We doen yoga om flexibel te worden, om fysieke

Sprouts, Radishes & Avocado Cream by Irina Verwer

Sprouts, Radishes & Avocado Cream This salad from ‘With a Pinch of Yoga‘ will rock

Chanting OM

De bron van alles wat is OM is misschien de meest bekende mantra van allemaal.

Singing while doing yoga is an actual thing

Ever tried to sing a Bruce Springsteen or Justin Bieber song while standing in the

How to go deeper in postures. And by that, we mean safely.

Yoga poses are challenging enough by itself. But maybe even more challenging is listening to

9 ways to improve your yoga practice

It’s september! And this month at Urban Goddess we focus on stepping back on the mat.

Let’s talk the importance of reconnecting with ourselves

This month we celebrate laziness. Because you should feel no guilt in slacking off sometimes and not

Why to rest before you get tired (yes, be lazy!)

This month we celebrate laziness. Most times we consider laziness as something negative.  Most of us forgot how

These tips will make a huge difference to help you sleep better (and sooner)

Sleep is one of the most important factors for our health and wellbeing. And once

Dit is waarom biologische tampons belangrijker zijn dan je denkt

We checken grondig de etiketten van ons eten en de labels in onze kleding. Maar