Author Archives: Jaap

​​Fashion Revolution Week: A look into sustainable fashion

Fashion Revolution Week has begun! It’s a perfect time to reflect on the clothes you

Holiday spirit: Give a little extra this Christmas and support Yoga Gives Back

‘Yoga unites us’ is the motto of Yoga Gives Back. We have been supporting this

Natural detergents for your skin and yoga wear

Do you already use natural detergent? It has a positive impact on your skin and

The sustainable gift guide: inspirational yoga gifts during the holidays

It’s official, we are in the heart of autumn. The days are getting shorter and

Self-care surrounding your yoga practice

Self-care surrounding your yoga practice: you deserve it! You are already caring for yourself by

6 things you might not know about Vinyasa yoga

What you need to know about Vinyasa yoga Vinyasa yoga is a very popular form

Serious about self-care: yoga practices for stress relief

Serious about Self-Care – yoga practices for stress relief Recharging yourself is a basic human

A loving Valentine’s Day with lessons from Thich Nhat Hanh

The news can’t have escaped your notice. Buddhist Zen teacher, monk, writer and peace activist

What yoga clothes do you wear to Yoga Nidra?

A yoga style to fully rest If you feel the need to truly rest, both

How yogatherapy can give the control over your body back

The treatment of trauma with yogatherapy Not everyone knows it, but yoga also has a

Effort and ease: balance in your body and life

Balance in your body equals balance in your life Looking for balance in your body

Mindful Christmas: 3x simple, but fun Christmas activities for all yogis!

3x fun (yoga) Christmas activities for a mindful Christmas During the holidays, time seems to