Monthly Archives: March 2018

Three questions for Urban Goddess Ambassador Eline van de Kam

Eline van de Kam is a yoga teacher at the Nieuwe Yogaschool in Amsterdam and

Interview with Karlijn Visser

Karlijn Visser is the co-founder of Holistik, an online lifestyle magazine for the stylish and

Sustainable Fashion

More and more shops start selling organic clothing and accessories. Organic cotton, bamboo, hemp, recycled

Duurzaam winkelen begint thuis

Wat is de echte prijs van fast fashion? Na weer een indrukwekkende documentaire en het

Goedkoop gezond eten: health junkie Juglen Zwaan deelt zijn 15 beste low-budget tips

In januari is bekend gemaakt dat de prijzen voor water, eieren, groenten en fruit flink

Yoga sequence for shoulder health

A simple shoulder sequence to release tension and ensure the longevity of your functional movement.

Charlie’s cabbage soup by Irina Verwer

Inspiration can come from anywhere. My dishes get their inspiration from my yoga practice, hikes